The Best Cryo Characters to Build in Genshin Impact

With so many characters with different functions and abilities, deciding who to build in Genshin Impact can be daunting. However, Cryo characters tend to be some of the strongest units in the game, as Genshin Impact consistently releases new exciting and powerful Cryo characters for players to pull for.

While Cryo characters are known for being powerful units, players may want some guidance in deciding exactly which of the Cryo units they should build. Currently, there are 12 Cryo characters in Genshin Impact: Eula, Ganyu, Kamisato Ayaka, Kaeya, Rosaria, Qiqi, Diona, Chongyun, Aloy, Shenhe, Layla, and Mika. The Cryo Archon Tsaritsa …